Tag: Shrek

Shreks’ First Ever Blog post….

Shrek does a blog post!

Here is a little About Me that Shrek made.
I wonder what he wrote?

( Comment down below if you have any questions :D)


G’day there,
You may know me as the handsome one and only, Shrek. I live peacefully in a small swamp which conveniently has my everyday needs!
If you have seen my movie, you may also know that I’m an in shape, handsome, tall, kind, loving ogre. I may be stereotyped as a scary disgusting creature but no. I am basically perfect.
I appreciate time alone and sometimes enjoy the company of my fish, bugs, and toothpaste in the kitchen and bathroom. My favourite colour is brown and I love my home dished fish eye balls!
Most of the time I enjoy keeping myself occupied either catching my food or having warm mud baths that are kept warm in the evening by the setting sun!